Christians & Sexual Reputation

I can never watch when the bride kisses the groom.

As the climax of the wedding ceremony, it should be a moment of rapt attention, even fawning. But I inevitably end up staring at my shoes with cheeks gone warm. I’m not a prude if that’s what you’re thinking. Perhaps I just feel the weight of what the kiss represents, that coming consummation, and find it not mine to share in. Get a room, you two. 

I recognize that I’m the foolish one here. Of course sex is intensely personal. But we can’t escape that it is just as intensely social. However, as Christians, we should never blithely accept that an is legitimates an ought. How should we respond to the social nature of sexuality, as a community that is ostensibly different from the world on this point? 

Specifically, what should we do with that pungent aspect of the social side of sex: reputation? 

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